Tuesday, September 09, 2008

i have no possible idea how to transfer this blog to my domain, vanessadouglas.com. oh well. time to start blogging anyway.

so, i live in santa clarita, california. it's part of LA. everyone here says they are from LA, it's not like New Jersey. where i come from, we're from Jersey. New York City is an 45 minutes away, but that doesn't lump us in with it, you know? not here. everyone south of San Luis Obisbo is probably "from LA." odd.

another funny thing - the use of the word "trip" is just out of control. it's used for everything from something that's good/cool/interesting, to something that's terrible/frightening/dramatic -it's all dependent on context. "He called me one week, the next I know he committed suicide, what a trip."
"This place is trippy!"
"I'm trippin! Look at that red Vespa!"

Anyway... more soon.