Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy 2009 !

Tonight a trio of us went to the ... lemme see if I can get this right, ACYPAA, 2009 New Years Eve dance/event. It was all right, it was down in Orange County. I could see it being fun if they took into consideration some other people may... there's just a slight chance that some people's idea of a good evening is not listening to back to back hip-hop for three hours, with nothing to do but breathe second hand smoke in the next (freezing) outdoor-room... with the same music thumping in the background.

I thought if they just had a marathon meeting going on or SOMETHING else to do, even outside, wow, it would have been a lot better. We had fun though, Mike, Tobiah and I brought C.O.D. too, who was probably the coolest one there :) Nevertheless, we met people, Mike left with a girl asking his phone number and at least AFTER midnight they began to play some dance/electronica music.

I do have to say... I had a good time spending the evening with Mike & Tobiah, and realize more each day how blessed I am to know this guy. Tobiah and I hung out most of the night, chatting, around 11:50 the music began to get better - so we began dancing/dancing with each other, and it was just really fun. They even played as song he spins at church, called "House of God." At midnight, not only did it turn 2009, but it is now officially his 13th year of being sober, which means he's really excited. It's his "Sober Bar Mitzfah," we joke. But man, we had fun! We danced, flirted a little, and got to kiss at midnight. We registered for the upcoming Young Peoples convention in March, too.

So, at the AA meeting we went to earlier tonight I had a chance to share, briefly, where I'm at. I realized after writing earlier, and just sort of mentally reviewing some of the things God's driving home for me... I want 2009 to be the year I don't PLAN, manage, try to figure it out, and let it be the year I do the next indicated thing, the year I take direction, the year I go with the flow, the year I live each moment and stop worrying, thinking, fretting, stressing, about the unknow - one moment at a time. The year I don't try to figure it all out. The year I trust.

So here's to that! The year of not planning. Cheers!

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